Real Estate Blog

Estate Home Sales

An estate sale is something that demands a lot of skill and attention to start with. It's also a much more complex transaction than a normal home sale, requiring more documentation and specific knowledge of estate law. It's important to work with professionals who are well acquainted with this type of transaction. I'm one of them. And since I work ...
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  1507 Hits
1507 Hits

A small plex can have big benefits

Single-family homes are rare and expensive, especially for a first-time buyer in the Greater Montréal area. But is that a reason to abandon your dream of home ownership? Not at all! A financially attractive option is available to first-time buyers: the small plex, with two, three, four or five units. The small plex offers several advantages: • You ...
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  1848 Hits
1848 Hits

Your certificate of location

Thinking of selling your house? If so, it's time to comb through your filing cabinet and pull out a few documents. You'll need to find the previous deed of purchase, which proves that you are indeed the owner of your home, as well as your most recent municipal and school tax bills. You'll also want to gather all bills for repair or renovation work ...
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  2010 Hits
2010 Hits

Sell or buy first?

Spring is around the corner. This is the time of year when you may be considering selling your current home to buy another, bigger or smaller, closer to work, school, or with office space. In short, better suited to your daily life. Now you're wondering: what is the best way to proceed? Is it better to sell or buy first? It's a very good question! ...
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  1666 Hits
1666 Hits

A profusion of purchase offers

Happy is the home seller who is inundated by promises to purchase, each one more attractive than the last! She can already envision herself running to the bank with a smile on her face. But wait! There is a furrow in the brow of our seller, a slight indication of stress that is casting a shadow over the picture... Should she accept the first offer?...
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  1384 Hits
1384 Hits

Web or broker?

In the last years, the World Wide Web has moved into the real estate industry in a big way, and various sites are offering sellers the chance to make greater profits by using the Internet. The argument is simple, even simplistic: by not paying a commission, you're automatically putting that money in your pocket. But the idea just doesn't stand up: ...
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  1455 Hits
1455 Hits